Dison Bosco Okumu


Dison is a seasoned management Consultant with more than 30years of experience in Governance, Ethics and Anti–corruption, Resource mobilisation and Energy Economics, dedicated to continous process improvement in the face of rapidly  evolving and changing markets and multi-cultural work environments.

He holds a Master in Statistics from London School of Economics and political Science and a Bachelor of Statistics from Makerere University.

Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of the Institute of Coperate Governance of Uganda (ICGU) responsible for day-to-day management of the non-for-profit membership, membership-based organisation that propagates and promotes the principles; and deepens and entreches internationally accceptable corperate governance practices in Uganda and The Great Lakes Region.

For 15 years, he was the Director, Corporate Planning & Strategy at Parliament of Uganda during which time he was awarded the “Best Director of the Year 2016/17” accolade by the Parliamentary Commission. He served as the focal point person linking Parliament to all national, regional and global planning Institutions and frameworks and ensured that the Parliament Strategic Plan was fully harmonized and aligned to the Uganda Vision 2040 and all National Development Plans NDPs (I,II and III) whose formulation he also participated.

Between 2011 and 2016, he provided Consultancy services to Regional Parliaments in Africa developing the first Strategic Plan for the Legislature of The Republic of South Sudan.He was invited by the governments of Zambia and Somalia to train members of Parliament and staff of their National Assemblies on Strategy design, execution,evaluation and conducted their first self Assessment of Institutional Performance.

Over the years, Dison has served on several Boards and governing bodies of reputable companies and organizations including the University Council of Makerere University Business School, Uganda National Buraeu of Standards, Parliamentary Pensions Scheme, International University of East Africa and the Board of the Planning, Development and Rehabilitation Committee of the Province of the Church of Uganda.

Prior to joining the Parliamentary Commission, he worked as a Statistician, Senior Planner, Manager Corporate Planning and General Manager Corporate Services with the defunct Uganda Electricity Board. From 1988 to 1993, he worked in Banjul, The Gambia as a United Nations Volonteer (UNV) in the Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.