We at Civil Service College Uganda (CSCU) are delighted to have you visiting our website and being part of our Public Service Transformation Journey.

As an in-service training department of the Government of Uganda, under the Ministry of Public Service, we strive to provide practical learning and capacity-building experiences that will meaningfully impact the way public officers perform and deliver services.

Our package of mandatory and discretionary programs spans from supply, to demand-driven capacity enhancement interventions that relate to realities in our clients’ world of work. It is our business to support public officers acquire the requisite functional expertise to meaningfully deliver public services that are “People” centered.

We value keeping in touch with you and getting to know your thoughts and ideas about how we should serve you better and we trust that with this website, your contribution is just a click away!!

It is therefore with pleasure that I invite you to this virtual experience of Civil Service College Uganda.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide quality demand-driven & and in-service training and support public policy research and innovations for improved performance and service delivery in the Public Service.