Herbert Kiguli


Herbert Kiguli is a Human Resource Management Specialist with field work experience that spans across a period of 21 years, all within the Public Service.

Herbert holds a Masters Science Degree in Human Resource Management from The University of Manchester, UK; he is a graduate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) of the UK.  He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) Degree from Makerere University and a Diploma in Accountancy. He in addition, has had specialized training in various HR related areas including Employees Coaching and Mentoring and Organization Change and Management and Performance Management Systems and Training of Trainers.

Currently Herbert is a Commissioner HRM in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports with the responsibility of guiding the management and Development the Human Resource Function in the Sector. Previously he has served as Assistant Commissioner HRM in charge of HR Policy in the Public Service; the first Head of the HR function of Ministry of Water and Environment and had a six-year concurrent stint both as HR Practitioner and Project Administrator of donor funded project.

Outside the Public Service Herbert has been involved in guiding on various startups 3 of which are thriving well to-date, as well as being a lay leader in God’s business.